Current News...
What's New? Check out our news articles, schedules, tips, and ditch activity to get the latest up-to-date information on FMIC's ditch canals, local weather conditions, Fountain Creek news, and more.
As a Mutual Ditch Company, we all need to keep in touch with our water resources and weather conditions to keep the water flowing in our ditches and laterals.
If you have any suggestions or information you would like to share...please contact FMIC's Manager, Kirk Medina at 503-812-9065 or email, and your information will be presented to the Board for approval and posting.
(All posting(s) must be pre-approved by FMIC Board of Directors for content before being included on this website).
As a Mutual Ditch Company, we all need to keep in touch with our water resources and weather conditions to keep the water flowing in our ditches and laterals.
If you have any suggestions or information you would like to share...please contact FMIC's Manager, Kirk Medina at 503-812-9065 or email, and your information will be presented to the Board for approval and posting.
(All posting(s) must be pre-approved by FMIC Board of Directors for content before being included on this website).